A long-standing agenda item for the committee was the need for a new RIB to accommodate more divers on our trips. A great sign of growth for the club but also a great financial investment.
After much fundraising and saving of the pennies, we found our new RIB in 2021. We are grateful to have members with engineering skills who were able to home in on the technical side of things, the rest of us just got excited by the huge amount of space and it having a dive ladder! The only problem was that is was in the south west of England and we are in the north east of Scotland.
However, we are an intrepid bunch and were not to be deterred. Approximately 1,000 miles of travel and overcoming some impressive logistical hurdles, our new club boat arrived at its new home. Soon after its arrival, it was branded with our club name, logo and its new name, ‘JC Explorer’, named after a founder club member who died too young and whose name lives on with us all.